I'm Going to Bootcamp

Nike bootcamp that is.
Too many times I see unathletic people criticizing and questioning the plays professional players make, when they themselves couldn't even dream of playing at that kind of level.
I don't want to turn into that kind of soccer fan, so I've signed up for Nike's Soccer Bootcamp.
For those of you that don't know what it is, Nike Bootcamp is pretty much a free training system designed by professional trainers for the professional players. It sends you drills and workouts to do that is supposed to increase your soccer game by at least 30 percent when your done.
I started up today and let me tell ya, its gunna be hard.
First up for me was the "SPARQ" Test.
This was supposed to test the essential attributes you need as a soccer player.
Obviously my results on this test from the first day are supposed to increase by the end of the Bootcamp.
There were 4 baseline tests I had to take, and I would be graded on a scale from 0 to 120, with 0 being terrible, 60 being a solid player, and 120 being an elite pro player like Cristiano Ronaldo.
The 4 tests were a 20 meter sprint, a vertical jump test, an arrowhead agility cone drill, and a "yoyo" endurance test which essentially was running 20 meters and back trying beat a 9 second time limit.
I scored 3.21 seconds on the 20 meter dash, a 20 inch vertical, 17.74 arrowhead time, and 2:50 min on the endurance test. I wasn't happy with the endurance test time as I haven't worked out in a while and have just been working at my cousins deli for the past month and a half.
My SPARQ rating was a 31.48, a little over half way to being a solid player. I hope they mean a solid pro player, which would make me feel a little bit better about my score.
Let me know if your also doing the Nike Bootcamp. Let me know the email your doing it under so we can compare results, mine is mad6986@yahoo.com.
My Bootcamp ends on September 30th, I hope I make it.
A lot of the early workouts I feel are pointless, stuff like do 10 pushups and stuff like that....
I mean, I'm athletic, just not a world class soccer player...
But I mean I've been playing everyday, and I'm getting much better.